A New Drawing and Journal entry! Between designing mugs and other things today,...
A New Drawing and Journal entry! Between designing mugs and other things today, I sat and had a little peanut butter and jam sandwich for lunch. I sat inside today in a grand solarium where some of the mugs and bowls are grown at the "Tiki Farm". I was there long enough to sketch up a little scene I saw to share. These plants are truly amazing. Like lillies and tulips, mugs grow and await being plucked at just the right time. Also, large bowls grow like the caps of massive mushrooms...varied in sizes. The "MugaHune" work with great care to harvest these at just the right time. It's the clay river that feeds the foliage, you know. This rich loam of fine clay is drawn into the roots of the flora, and in turn, the buds and "fruits" take the form of raw mugs and scorpion bowls. Today I saw Holden Westland...grinning from ear to ear as he slowly drifted in his vessel down the slip river with a cargo of freshly picked mugs and bowls. These will go to places here where they will be shaped, carved and glazed...into the wonderful creations you see from the "farm". I will share more in a few days....I have a great list of things to design and Tiki wonders to conjure up!~~ ~~THOR 05/02/16 #TikiFarm #ThorArt #TomThordarson #TikiMug #Tiki #TikiArtist #TikiOasis #Magic