O.K....So I will start this slooooow and easy....and be certain that if you...
O.K....So I will start this slooooow and easy....and be certain that if you follow what is happening here, the adventure, enchantment and creative wonders will exceed the very boarders of your deepest imagination~ I am starting an illustrated journal...a peek inside the things I see and creative worlds I work in, each day. These realms will unfold deeper and deeper...like a story! Today, my quick and rough journal sketch is of t he place I call my working place...where Tiki wonders really DO grow on trees!...and those that harvest the magic...dwell inside a place affectionately known...as the "TIKI FARM" ~THOR More to follow.... #TikiFarm #ThorArt #TomTHordarson #Tiki #TikiMug #TikiArtist #TomThordarsonImagineer #Magic #NoFilter