aloha, cute, hawaii, hawaiiartist, thorart, thorhawaii, tikiartist, tomthordarson - May 26, 2015 "Da Monkey Business" new original art by "THOR" Tom Thordarson. Great story behind this!!! The mystery is solved!! Check out the site! #ThorArt #ThorHawaii #TikiArtist #cute #TomThordarson #Aloha #Hawaii #HawaiiArtist Share Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Pin on Pinterest Back to Instagram Tags 2 20000leagesunderthesea adventure africangrey africangreyparrot aloha alohafriday amusementparks animation armedforces art artassistant artislife artlife artseries arttips authenticpirateflag barbies blackbeard blacklight bottledsecrets calibeaches conceptart conceptdesign cool creepycrawlers cute cyclops daimondhead davidnelms diamondhead diamondintherough disneyart disneyimagineer disneyimagineerjapan disneyimagineertomthordarson donthebeachcomber dragons dreamart dreamworld drinkmachine eacapeart earthday easter escape escapeandexplore escapeart explorewiththor fantasy fantasyart fantasyartist fantasyartwork fantasycraft fantasycreature fineart fineartpainting fourthofjuly fun funny gecko geckoart geckos giveaway glorydays glorydaysmagazine golfer gothic gothicart halepama hanaumabay happycustomer happyearthday harlydavidson hawaii hawaiiangecko hawaiiart hawaiiartist hawaiisunsets hotrod huntington huntingtonpierpressure imagination imagineertomthordarson independenceday inernationaltikimarketplace inspiration islandsofadventure japan jerrylewis jollyroger joy laughter livealoha longdistancelove love luckydevil magic marinathefireeating marines masubi medusirena memorialday menehune mermaid mermaids messageinabottle militaryart militarywives n nauticalart nauticaltheme navydiver navyseals no nofilter nostalgic octopus paintinglessons paintingoftheday paintingtips paintlessons paradise parrot passion passionateart pictureoftheday pirate pirateart pirateflag pirates pirateship piratesofthecaribean playboy playboyart playboybunny polynesianresort pope realpirateflags ridedesign romance rum rumart rumdoodle rumdoodles sailorbeware saltysailor scorpionbowl servicemen shrunkenhead shrunkenheads sideshow sketch soldiers spam stayyoungforever storyteller storytellers storytelling storytellingphotography summervacation sunsets surfart tbt theerrandboy thegoldentiki themeparkdesign thor thorart thorat thorgallery thorhawaii thorstor thorstore thor_art tiki tikiart tikiartist tikibar tikibowl tikichippy tikifarm tikilife tikimarketplace tikimug tikimugs tikioasis tikioasis2015 tokyodisneysea tom tomthordarson tomthordarsondisneypolynesian tom_thordarson travelcompanion treehouse tribalart tropicalbird tsantsa twilightzone unitedstatesmarines universalstudios waikiki waikikibeach waltdisneyworld wizards workspace